

1. The solar system includes:
nine stars
ten planets
nine planets
2. What is the sun?
a planet
a star
a white hole
3. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?
the sun
the earth
4. Which is the closest planet to the earth?
the moon
5. What is an astronomical unit (AU)?
the mean distance between the moon and the earth, about 384,400 km
nine light-years
the mean distance between the earth and the sun, about 150 million km
6. Which is the closest planet to the sun?
the Milky Way
7. Which is the farthest planet from the sun?
8. What is the Milky Way?
the way planets orbit the sun
a white star
the galaxy of which the solar system is a part
9. Which is the only planet whose English name does not derive from Greek/Roman mythology?
the sun
the earth
10. What is a moon?
the natural satellite of the earth
a small planet
a satellite of any planet
11. Which planet is referred to as the Red Planet?
12. How many moons Saturn has?
at least 30
13. The orbits of the planets are:
it is impossible to know
14. What is an asteroid?
a steroid
a rocky object orbiting the sun
a comet
15. What is a comet?
a small moon
an astronomical object with a long tail
both answers are correct
16. What is the solar wind?
the continuous flow of charged particles from the sun
wind in the solar system
solar energy 

Use the section on the Solar System to answer the following questions.

1. How many planets and dwarf planets are in our Solar System?_________________

2. Which planet or dwarf planet is nearest the Sun?_______________________

3. Which planet or dwarf planet is farthest from the Sun?_______________________

4. Which planet is the biggest?_______________________

5. Which planet has the biggest, most easily-seen rings orbiting it? _____________________

6. What is the name of the group of objects that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter? _______________________

7. What is at the center of our Solar System?_______________________

8. Are the inner planets made of rock or gas? _______________________

9. What are the icy objects with huge tails that orbit the Sun? ______________________

10. Which planet is called the "red planet"? ______________________